
Development of the Interactions Center (Reservations & Delivery)

Study cases

Development of the Interactions Center (Reservations & Delivery)

Grupo Takami


(BPO) Business Process Outsourcing


Feb. 4, 2017


Educación Experiencial

In-House Contact Center Optimization Consulting.

Case study description


The Takami Group wishes to optimize its Interaction Center and guarantee the memorable service that its customers receive when visiting its restaurants, also in the telephone channels, as in the case of Home Delivery and Reservations.

How did we do it?

For two consecutive years, Interlaken held the position of Home Delivery and Reservations Manager, a position that involved the management of its Contact Center and participation in working groups with logistics providers for delivery and/or third-party marketing channels. Among the macro activities in the strategic planning of the project we can highlight:

  • Accompaniment in the definition of the Organizational Structure.
  • Definition of the Training and Development Plan
  • Reinforcing the Culture of Hospitality and Memorable Experience.
  • Optimization of Quality and Analytical Processes.
  • Optimization of Scripts and Protocols.
  • Definition and Updating of the Telephone Plant.
  • Accompaniment in the Optimization of CRM and other applications with their respective integrations.
  • Financial Evaluation of the Contact Center Operation.


  • We prepared the position profiles of the members of the Interaction Center operation, with the support of the Human Resources area.
  • We built the Training and Education Plan for the Interaction Center and our own Domiciliary, contemplating Takami's organizational competencies, competencies specific to the position and Domain Strengthening, in order to guarantee a holistic training that transmits memorable experiences to the end customer.
  • We participated in the Co-creation of Customer Journey Maps for the Home Delivery and Reservations Operation in order to improve processes that guarantee a memorable customer experience in each of the stages.
  • We created the Meeting and Follow-up Systematics for the Interaction Center's key indicators (Calls, Transactions, Typifications), the previous ones with key indicators of Contact Center TMO, Service Level, Abandonment % and Effectiveness, among others.
  • We updated scripts, objection manuals, Cross Selling and Up Selling matrix, proactive protocols for mitigating complaints, FRIQS management matrix (Compliments, Complaints, Concerns, Complaints, Requests).
  • We updated the Telephone Plant with the most convenient supplier.
  • We participated in the update and improvement of the CRM.
  • We carried out an RFP to evaluate the option of outsourcing the Interaction Center, a comparative study was made with 4 bidders. This was done to guarantee the financial and business model of having the In-House or Outsourced operation.
  • We performed a Vulnerability and Ethical Hacking analysis, with respective recommendations to mitigate security breaches.

We have also accompanied the Takami Group through the Human Talent Development Unit in the design and implementation of the "School of Conscious Leaders" and through the Risk Management Unit in the Diagnostic Analysis for the implementation of Biosecurity Protocols against Covid-19.

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